Membership Information
To become a member of RISC, the following is required:
1. Active membership in the AMA, Academy of Model Aeronautics
2. Have an interest in flying radio controlled sailplanes/gliders
3. Abide by the club's By-Laws
New Member Application / Renewal Form (pdf file) please fill out form
First-Time Applicants: First-time applicants, pay $50 with the submission of the membership application form.
Renewals: Current members can renew their membership by sending a $45 check to the club treasurer or by sending $45 via Paypal.
Please use the "friends and family option" if using Paypal. Include your name and AMA number in the notes.
The clubs Paypal address is
To become a member of RISC, the following is required:
1. Active membership in the AMA, Academy of Model Aeronautics
2. Have an interest in flying radio controlled sailplanes/gliders
3. Abide by the club's By-Laws
New Member Application / Renewal Form (pdf file) please fill out form
First-Time Applicants: First-time applicants, pay $50 with the submission of the membership application form.
Renewals: Current members can renew their membership by sending a $45 check to the club treasurer or by sending $45 via Paypal.
Please use the "friends and family option" if using Paypal. Include your name and AMA number in the notes.
The clubs Paypal address is